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All traps come in an enclosure to prevent non-target species from being captured, but care must always be taken with the trap placement and lure used.

Trap lures are non-toxic and are used to attract the pest animal into the trap.

The Trap Library East Auckland does not usually provide lures, but you can use items readily available from your home or garden eg. Apple or peanut butter for possums.

You should always wear gloves when handling your traps and catches. Your hands carry your scent and, of course, pest animals may carry diseases.

Please watch the short videos below on using your trap.


Possum traps provided by the Trap Library East Auckland are the Trapinator and the Timms and Flippy Timmy traps.

The Trapinator is attached to a suitable tree around chest height and the possum enters from underneath. When caught the animal is left dangling from the trap.

The TImms trap can be mounted on the ground or on a platform in a tree. It must be pinned down securely as the animal enters from side and can drag the trap around if it is not fastened down.

The Flippy Timmy looks similar to a Timms trap but, similar to the Trapinator, it is mounted on a tree and the possum enters from beneath.

Lures such as peanut butter can be spread onto both sides of a bite plate and firm fruits such as slices of apple can be speared onto the bar. Meat must not be used, especially in a Timms trap.


Mustelid traps provided by the Trap Library East Auckland are primarily DOC-series traps. The DOC traps come in a range of sizes and we can provide DOC200 traps for stoats and weasels and DOC250 traps which will additionally trap ferrets. These traps have extremely strong springs and training in their safe usage is provided.

There are a variety of enclosures, wooden and plastic, to prevent non-target species (and people) from being caught in the trap. This includes screwing down the lids.

Lures are placed behind the trap mechanism and may additionally be placed at the entrance as a pre-feed. Mustelids are carnivorous so a variety of meat and egg based lures are most commonly used.

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The Trap Library East Auckland does not provide rat traps. If you live in the Howick Ward area you can obtain a free trap from Pest Free Howick Ward.

Trapinator Possum Trap

Trapinator Mustelid Trap

Timms Possum Trap

Flipping Timmy Possum Trap

DOC Series